Prison Fellowship There are a lot of Christian organizations all over the world. Some are very public about their faith…
Kingdom Minded Many churches have been trying to become more kingdom minded. I have found several ways in which churches…
Digital Advancements Digital advancements have completely changed ministry and what it has to offer. Now so many people can be…
Effective Ministry and Mission To have effective ministry and mission it encompasses multiple things. To start, it is so important…
Greyston Bakery Greyston Bakery has a very interesting story. It was founded in 1982 by Bernie Glassman who was a…
World Vision World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization with a kingdom impact. It was founded in 1950 by Bob…
Life.Church Life.Church I would say has been one of the most innovative churches. The first church was in Edmond, Oakland…
Chick-Fil-A & Hobby Lobby Since I am going into business after college, I always thought it was interesting to hear…