Often argued, Christians who want to change the work place can’t because they are too unprepared, not equipped, naive, etc. It has been made clear over and over in the Bible that God is an entrepreneur, who provides new solutions to every problem. Antonin Ficatier refers to Exodus 14, where after the Israelites successfully crossed the dead sea, they then decided that being in the desert was a bad idea and confronted God, and ultimately, they were given a third option, to let them live. We are all made to be creative people, and creating other solutions to previous problems where our solutions didn’t work proves that point.
Missional entrepreneurship is said to be within the “DNA of the church.” Ficatier says that understanding the resources of the Earth starts with understanding the teachings of Jesus about out relationship with the world and about his unconditional love for each and every one of us. If we as entrepreneurs can understand that, then we can become successful in our start-ups. That ultimately is the basis that needs to be laid down so we can understand how to run our businesses ethically, the way that Christ would if he were still walking the Earth.
Ficatier’s final point, “as we are being made new in Christ, we can create new enterprises,” he uses 2 Cor 5:17 when Paul addresses the church of Corinth. It says that we are to become new creatures in Christ. Studying and furthering our knowledge, as well as becoming new creatures in Christ brings us to creating new ways to further develop ministry through our businesses and our business ideas. As Christians, we have always developed new ways to share the Gospel, in ways where we can reflect our imaginative callings, understanding and using resources around us, and becoming new creatures in Christ through innovation. As we grow every day as Christians, our businesses can only grow in the eyes of God.
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