Tim Tebow – Night to Shine
Tim Tebow is much more than an athlete. Though he has been scrutinized for his throwing ability, he knows that his throwing ability never defined him. As we have seen throughout his college and professional football days, he knew football was temporary and God is forever. What is cool about him is that he always used sports as a ministry opportunity, but it does not stop there. He knows that there is much more to life than sports, which is why he created the Tim Tebow Foundation. One specific thing they do that I want to touch on is Night To Shine.
Night to Shine is a very entrepreneurial venture for the Kingdom of God. On his website, he says the sole goal is to give people ages 14 and up with special needs an amazing night that shows how worthy they are in God’s eyes. Night to Shine is a prom for people with special needs where they get dressed up, makeup done, get limo rides, a nice dinner, and a super fun dance party. I had the opportunity to be a buddy at a Night to Shine at my church. It was one of the most wonderful experiences and it felt like a little piece of heaven because there was just joy and love all around centered around the mission of Christ. Tim Tebow does a wonderful job of bringing the church and entrepreneurship together as he provides a unique opportunity to reach a very overlooked group of people in society. He has provided the church a great way to reach people with special needs through a wonderful evening that puts them at the center of attention.
I am truly encouraged when I hear athletic superstars use their fame to share the news of the Gospel. There is more opportunity for seeds to be planted and faith to be grown. When you say buddy, is that a position or a “volunteer” option at The Night to Shine”? What does being buddy mean?
I have also had the wonderful opportunity to serve as a buddy for several years. A buddy is a volunteer position that you can sign up for. There is a training session that you have to go through prior to the event though in order to serve in this position. As a buddy, you are paired with one of the guests when they arrive and you spend the entire evening with them. You help take them to different to different rooms where they get their hair and makeup done, shoes shined, flowers, and then get to ride in a limo and walk the red carpet. After that, the buddy spends the night doing different fun activities that vary per location that is hosting. You get to have dinner with them and dance with them (if they want to dance) or just hang out. Then at the end of the evening, you get to crown them king or queen of the dance.
I’ve always been really impressed by Tim Tebow, especially by his humility. The guy was a college football superstar, and yet it never went to his head. His faith was still his number one priority, and it shows here. This facet of his organization is such a unique one, and it provides an experience that these kids will never forget. It’s about sharing and demonstrating Christ’s abounding love, not about trying to shove an evangelistic message down everyone’s throat. Thanks for sharing this!
I love how he used the place God gave him to show others what godly living means. The Night to Shine event is a wonderful way of showing people the gospel instead of simply telling them. I think that maybe a lot of people miss that the gospel is also relational (as well as a message of Truth). This event, in particular, is wonderful since it blesses people with special needs, but also gives others a chance to help and serve.
This is awesome! I was aware that Tim Tebow has used his platform to share God’s love in many ways, but I had never heard of Night to Shine. I think this foundation shows God’s heart so well and expresses a part of God’s mission that I think the church often overlooks, which is caring for and loving people who are marginalized or different from us.
I had heard of Tim Tebow when I was younger and all I really knew about him was that he played football and publicly showed his faith, but after reading this post, I have learned so much. I really enjoyed how you worded the post, specifically by saying ” …..with special needs an amazing night that shows how worthy they are in God’s eyes.” In our culture, people with special needs are so looked down for their worth and aren’t treated with respect, but Tim Tebow really changed the game on that one. Instead of having the spotlight on himself he put it on them. This is such an innovative way to help these induvial know their worth. Like we have been discussing in class, Tim Tebow created something that was unheard of and original and turned it into something incredible.