+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Digital Advancements

Digital Advancements Digital advancements have completely changed ministry and what it has to offer. Now so many people can be reached from the comfort of their own homes. For instance, there are many online worship services that are offered. They can be reached by livestream, and they also can be play backed by being stored […]

New Life Churches

This past summer, my fiancé and I worked in Colorado Springs with a Navigators organization called Eagle Lake Camps. During our three month stay, we decided to plant ourselves in a church congregation. Colorado Springs is a hub for ministries and churches, so there were many options. We visited a Baptist church and then found […]

Christian Fashion: Fabrics of Faith

Fashion and Culture Fashion is a way people express their personality and passions. Yet, Christians are notorious for having either bad taste in fashion or signing it off altogether. The word bland comes to mind for many people when they imagine “Christian clothing.” Christian fashion is considered boring, or Christians just conform to the culture […]

A year into the Digital Age of Ministry

It has been a year since the world was thrown into the age of media as our main source of communication with the world. For many businesses, they have finally developed a well-oiled system that incorporates as little human interaction. This is due to the efficiency of the interweb. People have figured out how to […]


“Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture” (praxislabs.org). Praxis enhances their message as the future of culture. They believe that the world needs entrepreneurs and builders who follow an alternative script of purpose, success & human flourishing. Praxis highlights […]

Covid-19 and the Connotations for Corporate Worship

It’s truly amazing – and certainly discouraging – to think back to the world we lived in only a year ago. Last March, the way we lived changed dramatically. Education and employment shifted to entirely virtual environments, restaurants closed, and staying home and watching Netflix became a noble pastime. Of course, I don’t need to […]