The Purpose Hotel

Jeremy Cowart has stayed in many hotels in his day. At one stay in LA, he read a sign outside of his room that said “Hello, my name is room 1002.” It was then that his humanitarian side began to kick in. He asked himself, “What if that was a photo of a child from Compassion International?” or the key from The Giving Key to help people out of homelessness, or even the art from humanitarian artists. What if this all had some kind of social impact?

These ideas kept coming to him, but he ignored them for a while, until he was flying over New York in 2015. He thought to himself, these buildings had to start somewhere with someone, why can’t I start one? The plan is in place and the first hotel will be put up in Nashville, Tennessee.

I love this company/idea. This is a Praxis company with so much amazing potential. It is a great idea in a society there is so much division. Imagine having something, like this hotel, that supports so many people with so many different stories around America and throughout the world. Jeremy’s idea, though it is huge, is something that can have so much redemptive impact because there is a story behind everything in the hotel. We are called as Christians to support the least of these.