Redemptive Entrepreneurship: The Immigration Coalition
The Immigration Coalition is a non-profit organization operating in and around the Southern Border. It marries the mission of the church with entrepreneurial efforts by connecting churches and other Christian non-profits with the needs of immigrants and refugees currently detained in camps in Mexico, as well as recent immigrants who live in poor neighborhoods in Texas (and who often fall through the cracks).
The Immigration Coalition’s main focus is caring for the physical needs of immigrants by providing clean water and food. The non-profit is intentionally redemptive in its mission and action, and was founded by Christians with the restorative and transformative mission of the Church in mind. Not only does it address a physical need (the water problem along the US-Mexico border), but the organizations allows churches across the country to connect and minister to a suffering community in need of the redeeming love of Christ. It enables churches and individual Christians to love their neighbor and minister to the least of these. It also very purposeful in promoting the imago dei principle through its work. The organization encourages Christians to look past the politics of immigration to see the humans in the midst of this crisis, their value as image-bearers, and their need for help from the church.
The Immigration Coalition does an exemplary job in accomplishing its redemptive mission as an organization while also supporting the Church in addressing the needs of the poor and the sojourner. This twin purpose allows the organization to be ever more impactful in redeeming and transforming the world. Since its founding in 2017, the Immigration Coalition and its church partners have served over 20,000 migrant families and provided over 200,000 gallons of clean water. They serve 4 different areas in the USA, Mexico, and El Salvador.
The Immigration Coalition is definitely fulfilling God’s calling and purpose for us to help out others regardless of their situation. Christians are to go and make disciples of all nations and this organization is representing that principle well. They have a great ability in representing Christians and fulfilling the physical need for water and ministering the gospel to these immigrants to fulfill their spiritual needs as well. This is a great example for representing the act of redemptive entrepreneurship and it allows God to work through their business.
This is an awesome mission, it is important that we do see others especially immigrants as image bearers. I am curious to look into the group further, I am going on an ICO trip over spring break to Tucson Arizona, we will be spending a good amount of time down at the border.