The Giving Keys, Jewelry for a Great Cause

Nowadays, people who are famous are always characterized by specific personality traits and most of the time, many of those traits being negative. However, there is another category of famous people who use their influence to start something incredible which changes the course of humanity for the better. Take for example Caitlan Crosby, singer/songwriter and actress who founded the company by the name of “The Giving Keys”. The Giving Keys is a company that gives people a job who are either struggling in life, have a bad record, or took a dark path in life with no judgement involved. The story of the giving keys starts when Caitlan Crosby who wore a key for a neckless one day and had the idea of engraving inspirational messages onto old keys to sell them. The purpose of these keys are not only to give people inspiration, but ultimately to give a symbol that even if something is old, not useful anymore, or broken, it can be re-used and serve a new purpose. As human beings who follow Christ, almost everyday we fall in sin and can feel that we aren’t useful to to God, but this company’s ultimate message is that no matter how broken we, what path we choose in life, or how rebellious we are, we can always come back to God and He will put us back one the perfect, just plan he has for our lives.


  1. KaufmanCJ20 on February 26, 2021 at 7:28 pm

    Yes, Giving Keys are so cool and offer such an amazing message. It is so easy to fall into this trap of feeling that we are nothing anymore and we have nothing to offer, but these keys show that even the most insignificant object (a broken key that can’t even be used anymore for the one purpose it was created) can be used to bring a light into the world and make a difference. And we can do the very same thing and know that even when we are feeling worthless that we can still be a beacon for God and show the world that we always have a purpose and will move towards it with everything we have.

  2. baierlgw19 on February 28, 2021 at 8:13 pm

    These keys are a wonderful way to give people hope and an encouraging message throughout their walk through life. I also love that they turn old into new in more ways than one: keys and employees. This is a wonderful redemptive entrepreneurial venture. Great article topic and very well written.