Seeking meaningful and lasting personal fulfillment has become one of the most significantly influential problems of today. How does one achieve fulfillment? What does it even mean? These are questions that are being/have been asked and reflected upon for centuries. Some will say that there is joy to be found in worldly pursuits like having a good job, a good group of friends, a good spouse, the list goes on and on. These pursuits are by no means inherently wrong, but they’re all missing something, fulfillment. True and lasting joy and fulfillment comes from pursuing God, and God alone.
Many refuse to accept this truth, especially with the weight of responsibility toward duties like a mortgage, rent, and other debts on their shoulders. Rather than pursue God and furthering the kingdom of God, they chase after worldly achievements.
However, a small group of incredibly motivated and determined entrepreneurs are changing the world through their endeavors. Creating a value proposition that targets redemptive causes.
Tegu was founded in 2006 and continues to bring a breath of fresh air to the modern toy industry by disrupting the injurious industry leaders like the iPad and Xbox console.
More information can be found on their company website
Or on a short, yet comprehensive video on the company’s mission
For this blog I will be comparing how a Catholic mass uses music in its…
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