Tegu Blocks

Tegu is a children’s building block company based out of Honduras. Tegu wants children to learn to explore and create in a freeway by playing with blocks. Tegu building blocks are not just your average building blocks. They are magnetic. Their building blocks have unique magnetic strips inside them to take playing with building blocks to a whole new level. Tegu shows research on how playing with magnetic building blocks supports a child’s development in fine motor skills, pattern recognition, problem-solving, and more.
Childhood development, however, is not the most prominent aspect of this company. The founders of this company asked themselves, “could we create a for-profit company based in Honduras that would foster a positive social impact through its business?” And that is exactly what they did. Honduras has a copious supply of solid quality wood untouched by major corporations. Tegu buys its wood from Honduras, and its factory is also in Honduras so that they can employ and support Hondurans. They are providing high-paying safe jobs for the people in Honduras.
Tegu is based in Tegucigalpa Honduras. I have driven through Tegucigalpa on a missions trip last summer and have seen firsthand the poverty in that city. The entire country is stricken with heart-breaking poverty. Trash lines every rode, and a house made of brick is considered a luxury. Children will stand on the side of the road selling food or other goodies to help provide for the family. Finding jobs is extremely difficult, especially well-paying jobs in a safe environment. By Tegu providing quality jobs for parents, these children no longer need to stand on the side of the road all day trying to sell goodies but might even be able to attend school. Tegu is proof that a for-profit company can have a remarkable redemptive impact.


  1. daviden19 on April 26, 2022 at 3:36 am

    This is a really cool product, I love learning about companies that make an impact on the lives of kids. It seems like such a simple product but brings so much joy to those who use them. The company’s aim to also develop motor skills in children is a great aspect as well! Building blocks also foster so much creative thinking in young minds, maybe this product will help in the development of one of the next great entrepreneurs!