Seat King – A Redemptive Opportunity

What defines a “redemptive business?” For starters, we can think of this concept of a “redemptive entrepreneur” as someone who seeks to embody the gospel in creating and building a venture that leaves a meaningful impact on the world ( “Businesses built by these kinds of entrepreneurs may engage in ‘evangelism’ as traditionally defined – explaining the pathway to eternal salvation. And they go beyond that to live out the Gospel through the products and services they provide and the way they conduct business” ( Specifically, there are some other characteristics that determine if a business aligns with these purposes. Just to name a few, the business:

  • Pays fair compensation
  • Stands against corruption
  • Basic environmental stewardship practices
  • CEO or other senior leader(s) regularly participates in spiritual disciplines

Seat King is a kingdom company that was founded by Pete Ochs. This business manufactures bus seats inside a maximum security prison in central Kansas. Pete pays more than minimum wage, whereas the inmates would make about 45 cents per day in a traditional prison job. The state also takes a percentage of the wages given to help fund the prison, which is a social good. These men gain dignity as their work is able to take on meaning along with the higher wages being able to support their families and save their money for life once they are out of prison. Pete has also taken time to teach leadership skills, how to be a better husband & father, and has even started bible studies and discipleship groups within the prison ( Seat King does not specifically offer religious products or services, but they engage inĀ evangelism & discipleship as a way of life. Thus, Seat King does in fact earn the title of a “redemptive business” (


  1. SmithGM19 on April 5, 2021 at 2:10 pm

    Very cool! Prison ministries like these often go farther, I believe, in helping rehabilitate criminals than actual prison. Providing the opportunity for the imprisoned to gain dignity and respect is a god-honoring pursuit, and one the exemplifies the promise of the cross.