Restoration Work at Hope International
Two summers ago, I interned at Hope International. Though their headquarters are located in Lancaster, their work stretches across the entire globe. Their mission is “to invest in the dreams of families in the world’s underserved communities as we proclaim and live the Gospel.” As a microfinancing organization, Hope International accomplishes this mission by training and supporting people in underserved communities with the financial literacy and security they need to thrive in their business ventures. They accomplish this vision of providing Christ-centered financial services through two avenues—savings groups and microfinance institutions.
In both avenues, men and women receive discipleship, financial training, coaching about starting or expanding their businesses. In the savings groups, a committed group accumulates a mutual savings pool—through this they gain greater financial security faster, support one another, and hold one another accountable. In the microfinancing institutions, business owners and starting entrepreneurs are enabled to apply for and receive micro-loans with very minimal interest rates and lots of financial training. These microfinance institutions are often established in areas that are riddled with shark-loans who often drive their clients to bankruptcy.
Hope International works to restore broken communities through investing in and equipping individuals to break the cycle of poverty that they and their families are stuck in and to, furthermore, thrive in their entrepreneurial endeavors. One person and business at a time, Hope International is working to revitalize and strengthen economies in underserved areas across the world. From training entrepreneurs to telling the stories of impact to connecting donors to who they’re serving—Hope International is doing an excellent job at building the Kingdom of God in a professional and sustainable fashion!
So cool that you got to work with them! After reading When Helping Hurts for the second time recently, I wonder how they handle consequences of people’s actions while also proclaiming the gospel. The book argues that churches are not well-suited to set up microfinance structures because they can’t handle making people pay, and I wonder what makes Hope International suited for it.
that is actually so cool you got to work with HOPE International. Truly an amazing organization.