Redeeming Art for God’s Kingdom
Ahni Art is a small art business that has grown through Instagram and Etsy, and the art is sold on Etsy and soon on its own website. One might think that a business that sells art cannot be run by a redemptive entrepreneur, but this business is owned and run by a women who is Kingdom minded, people focused, and redemption oriented. Amy Kirk discovered years ago that we all connect to Jesus differently. We do not need to only connect with Him through reading or singing but that we can actually connect and learn more about Him through activities like art, dance, walking in creation, and many more activities of the like. God had gifted her with creativity and skill, but she never realized she could use art to be her connecting point and her voice of spreading the Gospel until a few years ago.
Her mission began as making small and large pieces of art and giving them away to people who would be blessed by them. The pieces were filled with scripture and beautiful drawings and paintings. Then prompted by her husband, she began to sell them on Etsy. She felt the Lord calling her to make an Instagram page and post her art as encouragement with a devotional attached to each one. Her platform continued to grow and more and more people were blessed by her art. So she began to make other pieces of art like signs, vinyl stickers, cards, mugs, and other items. Her art conveys truth, God’s purpose for His people, encouragement, and beauty. Ahni Art has begun redeeming art for God’s Kingdom and for the JOY of people who come into contact with it.
Amy did not realize that her devotional time with Jesus and a paint brush could be used by the Lord to advance His Kingdom, but because of His faithfulness and her listening ear to the Father, that is exactly what God has done with her business. Now she her art is blessing people all over, and her mission is the create the lovely things that she so easily forgets, to share so others are encouraged, and to make much of Jesus. Redeeming art for God’s Kingdom and Glory one piece of art at a time.
Instagram: @Ahniart
Etsy: AhniArt
What an awesome business! I love how you can see how the ideas for the business expanded and grew over time. It’s always great to see creative ways to spread the Gospel.
I love that she started her own business to help encourage others with God’s Word! God calls us in different ways and I loved that she uses her art to share with others and to glorify God!