+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Reach Beyond

Image result for reach beyondReach Beyond missions organization realizes the need of spreading the gospel and creating disciples of all nations and people groups. With 1900 unreached people groups, Reach Beyond is determined to bring the Gospel to those people even in places that seem too distant.

Reach Beyond is a missions organization that sends out missionaries to the unreached world. They want to open doors, shift paradigms, and go into new territories. With it’s headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO. Reach Beyond is equipping missionaries to spread the Gospel all around the world. They have many projects people can donate to such as, Emergency Medical Response and Missionary Contingency Funds. They have a fast track program consisting of 3 stages, Mentor, Equip, and Deploy. Reach Beyond trains these people in theological studies and cross-cultural relations and then sends these missionaries out into the world to spread the Gospel.

Reach Beyond is a great example of Entrepreneurship and the Mission of the Church because their main focus and goal is to spread the Gospel and make Jesus’ name known throughout the world. They do this through an organization that not only sends out Missionaries but provides partnership through donors and prayer partners.

For more information go to: https://reachbeyond.org/