Prison Fellowship
Prison Fellowship
There are a lot of Christian organizations all over the world. Some are very public about their faith and others are more reserved about projecting their faith. I want to focus on the Christian organization Prison Fellowship. By the name you can already tell it is a Christian ministry, so they are a more publicly Christian organization. This company uses a lot of different entrepreneurial skills in order to conduct their Christian mission.
Background & Programs
For starters, this organization was founded in 1976 in order to “serve all of those affected by crime and incarnation and to see lives and communities restored in and out of prison – one transformed life at a time” (McSherley, 2024). To be able to achieve this, they have used numerous entrepreneurial skills. They conduct prison outreach programs. This includes things like their Prison Fellowship Academy, Prison Fellowship Connection Classes, Create: New Beginnings, and Hope Events where they help those incarcerated men and women have the chance to be restored to Christ. These programs help these people find their purpose and their identity. This in the end ripples into all other aspects of these people’s lives. The community, their families, etc.
Additionally, Prison Fellowship understands how difficult it can be for families where children lose a parent towards being incarcerated. So, they developed this program called Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree where they have nationwide volunteers deliver Christmas gifts, the Gospel, and a personal note of love to children around the world struggling with this. It is so touching what they have decided to do with their Christian organization and utilizing their skills in a way that helps those around the world.
Also, they care for those incarcerated to be able to mesh back into society. In order to do so, they have come up with reentry initiatives. They do this by partnering with other faith-based organizations and agencies to help provide assistance with getting back into the swing of things and the ability to become successful. Another skill I will note is that they make sure to have trainings and opportunities for employment for those with criminal records. All of these different entrepreneurial skills that they have used to their advantage have really made an impact on people’s lives and it shows they used their skills to glorify God.
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