
“Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture” ( Praxis enhances their message as theĀ future of culture. They believe that the world needs entrepreneurs and builders who follow an alternative script of purpose, success & human flourishing. Praxis highlights how the Church is in an age of crisis, specifically regarding the ability to engage the next generation in the faith. “Entrepreneurs who are spiritually serious, culturally astute, and in community can be winsome witness for the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Christian gospel – through their leadership behavior and in the products, services, brands, and organizations they build” (

We look to Praxis as the original “founder” of this redemptive entrepreneurship/opportunity concept and how they have defined these guidelines by putting faith back into business & numerous cultures. Their Redemptive Frame overlays the 3 ways to work (exploitative, ethical, redemptive) with the 3 dimensions of work (strategy, operations, leadership). Focusing on the redemptive approach, we are able to takeaway three main points:

  • Creative restoration through sacrifice
  • I sacrifice, we win
  • Love and serve

So what does it mean to be redemptive? “‘Redemption’ is an economic term that beans to buy back something (or someone) to restore it to its rightful place. For Christians it is full of great theological meaning, referring to Jesus’ act of becoming human and sacrificing his life so that we could be restored to a right relationship with God and His creation” ( Praxis has helped shape this concept around companies that incorporate faith and align with certain goals, missions and values. Praxis continues to impact countless businesses, ventures and people in hopes to restore the gospel throughout our lives, culture, and opportunity.


  1. Griebka18 on March 31, 2021 at 8:19 pm

    I had the opportunity to attend Praxis Academy 2019. It was incredible to see and hear successful business leaders who also had a redemptive aspect of their business/nonprofit. Often times, I feel like it is assumed that you cannot be redemptive and make money. However, that is not the case and Praxis brought in people who showed just that. I found it affirming that, as Christians, we can still be financially successful while serving God in our community.