Reaching the “Churchless”
Examining the daily news cycle, it’s not hard to recognize that there has been an undeniable cultural shift in the last 20-30 years. Obvious examples of this shift can be seen in the pop culture. These trends are important to recognize and adapt to, however, I believe that there is something much more significant occurring…
Read MoreWhy so many leaving?
At the beginning of the semester, we discussed several reasons as to why people may drop out of attending church. Upon talking about the “Churchless” especially in my generation, I wanted to research more. I found on Christianity Today, in the article “The Top Reasons Young People Drop Out of Church,” a list of 5…
Read MoreAltar’D State | Mission of the Church
A frequently asked question is how do you incorporate your faith into your business? How do you make the foundation of your business reflect your Christian ideals and beliefs? Well it is a very hard thing to do, but there is, in my opinion, a store that does this very well. Altar’ D State is…
Read MoreMinistry and Business
At first glance, business and ministry might be an unlikely pair. However, the concepts of entrepreneurship and the Church have a lot more interaction than initially thought. Every major ministry that we can think of (Focus on the Family, Young Life, Samaritan’s purse etc.) has a business attached to it. Even missionaries have to have…
Read More“Why Embrace Missional Entrepreneurship”
Often argued, Christians who want to change the work place can’t because they are too unprepared, not equipped, naive, etc. It has been made clear over and over in the Bible that God is an entrepreneur, who provides new solutions to every problem. Antonin Ficatier refers to Exodus 14, where after the Israelites successfully crossed…
Read More“Entrepreneurship and the Kingdom of God”
Drew Yancey, like so many entrepreneurs, invested in a failure start-up business. As he looks back on his experience in his investment with this company, he sees red flags that should have been obvious to him when trying to launch this business. Yancey believes that when Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God and told…
Read More“When a Church Matches Missions with Entrepreneurship”
When Pastor Daniel Harrell unexpectedly received around $2 million from a land sale in his business, the first thing he thought of was to use 20% of these funds and put it to his passion of being a missionary. At first, he didn’t know what to do with all this money, and how to put…
Read MoreGen Z and the Gospel
One thing that I found interesting about this class was our discussion about Gen Z and what the disconnect is between that specific generation and the church. After our class discussion on what the possible problems are, someone in my group mentioned that today’s generation just does not have an accurate understanding of what the…
Read MoreEntrepreneurship is the Mission of this Church
Church brings people of all kinds together. Scripture makes it clear that a church can consist of any mix of people, but that it is Christ that brings us together. When the institution of the church started meeting together in places like Thessalonica and Colossae, there was only one church in town. A Christian had…
Read MorePractical Impact and Compassion?
The Southside Church of the Nazarene is on a mission. They believe their church should be defined by how they practically care for the community around them. They ask a very simple question: “Is this church community such a force of good, are we so compassionate, that if our church were to suddenly disappear, the…
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