Gen Z Pornography Crisis

In recent years, I have learned many shocking statistics related to pornography consumption among young people. According to Fight The New Drug, an organization that seeks to bring the porn crisis and its harmful affects into the light, 64% of young people, ages 13–24, actively seek out pornography weekly or more often (FTND). As is…

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My Half of The Sky

When talking about redemptive entrepreneurship and the correlation between commercial business and social business to create a business that is for the social good, I think of one of my favorite coffee shops in Wheaton, IL. My Half of The Sky is the perfect marriage of a coffee shop and boutique in the heart of…

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Digital Ministry | How do We do It?

Hey all! I am coming to the end of my mini series on digital ministry. So far I have talked about what digital ministry is and the role that it serves in reaching others through the Gospel, especially those perhaps who are younger, such as millennials. Next, I talked about some other influencers who are…

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Why do people refuse to come to Jesus?

In class we discussed several reasons as to why people may not accept Jesus. This topic is something that hits home for me – literally. I am the first follower of Christ in my family, including extended family (expect one cousin). Many people I love do not know the love of my life, but reasons…

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Church of God in Christ

In West Los Angeles Church of God in Christ runs a community-development corporation that aims at “economic empowerment” of the poor and needy in its community backyard. Church of God in Christ community-development includes job training and entrepreneurial development, and it also partners with major corporations and businesses to provide employment for neighborhood residents. Another…

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Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church

Memphis is facing a major job crisis and local law makers and residents have been trying to fix the deficient. The U.S. Census’ American FactFinder reported only about 40,000 people hold two-year associate degrees, a certificate considered a key step into middle-class jobs. Meanwhile, 68,000 never completed high school, an additional 141,000 attended but have…

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Union Gospel Mission

In Portland, Oregon, the Union Gospel Mission started Life Change. The community of passionate Christians created a job-training program for convicted felons and drug addicts. Union Gospel Mission wants to help,  “serve, rescue, and transform those in greatest need through the grace of Jesus Christ”. Life Change has helped a twenty-four-year-old man who was homeless…

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A Club on campus called D.R.I.V.E

At the beginning of the year, I went to both the org fair and the ministry fair to look for clubs on campus to join. Of all of the ministry organizations I saw, most of them were structured around who they helped, be it youth or prisoners or people oversees. A few were structured based…

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