Something to Keep in Mind…
Those of us thinking about redemptive entrepreneurship are constantly thinking about what we can do better so that people engage with the Gospel. We think we need to find inefficiencies in our business model. We think we need more donors so we have more funding to do more outreach. We think we need famous guest…
Read MoreSummit Basecamp – A Place for Fellowship, Training, and Commissioning
In a world overwhelmed with stimulus and distractions, it’s so difficult to stay focused on the things that matter. Current generational trends indicate that Gen z is one of the most informationally advanced generations ever. Information is more accessible than ever. With this increase in accessibility young people are becoming increasingly aware of things that…
Read MoreSports Ministry
It is often said that sports are the “universal language”. No matter the culture or the people group, one thing that we all have in common, are sports. I have had the privilege to experience this first hand through a few different organizations: For the Nations Refugee Outreach, Ambassadors Futbol Program, and even my own…
Read MoreYour Brokenness is Welcome Here
I talked about one of my favorite public figures last time and I am just as excited to share about another one of my favorite girls this week. Jordan Lee Dooley is the founder of SoulScripts and the SHE podcast. This woman is so inspiring and I adore listening to her wisdom. She started out…
Read MoreChristian in Everything
When doing business, many entrepreneurs will blend their faith with their business. Others will blend social actions with their commercial business. When a company blends the commercial actions of their business with their social actions, they act philanthropically. When a company blends their Christian faith with their commercial actions and acts in a manner that…
Read MoreSubtle Christian Companies
Brands like Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby have alienated some customers as they have stood by their religious views. However, other companies’ religious beliefs are less obvious even though they are right under customer’s noses. These brands hide Bible verses and other religious content in plain sight. One example of a company that does this is…
Read MoreNo Calling? No Problem.
Image source: 1Dental If you are a college student, odds are you have put some thought into what you want to do after college. The pressure of impressing your friends or not disappointing your parents is real. It comes up in conversation all the time, “what is your calling?” I used to get stressed when…
Read MoreWear’s Valley Ranch
Wear’s Valley Ranch, located in the mountains outside Pigeon Forge in Eastern Tennessee, is a home for children that cares about redemptive entrepreneurship. The ranch allows at-risk children to flourish in a safe, Christian environment. The ranch provides stable homes and personalized education programs for the kids. According to Pastor Jim Woods, the founder of…
Read MoreReuniting Worship
Image Source: Surviving Church Nothing unites people better than music (well maybe food or love of sports), but in the church— worship is important. Entire books of the Bible have been written for the purpose of recording Psalms. Within the church different segments have emerged, each with their own music preference. Throughout church history such divisions…
Read MoreCreative Language & Creative Filters
Image Source: Photo by Steve Meddle/REX/Shutterstock (4621228m) Person Holding Apple Iphone 6 Smartphone Various Inspired from Justin Dosch’s lecture, I decided to look further into the idea that Jesus used creative language in order to reach the people of His day. Often times when Jesus was preaching He would speak in parables. Jesus did not…
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