Biblical Wisdom on Mentorship

Image source: The Muse Discipleship, mentoring, guiding. The most perfect human being who ever lived did it. If Jesus did it, so should we. This is a great biblical model for us to follow, as well as good business application for it. Mentorship is taking someone under your wing in order to help them grow…

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Good Wholesome Fun

Last week I was offered an amazing opportunity to work at Seneca Hills Bible Camp as a camp counselor. I worked as a counselor at a camp in North East, Maryland this past summer and absolutely fell in love with the job, so I knew I wanted to do it again. I had attended SHBC…

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IJM: Non-Profit Anti-Slavery Organization

On Tuesday of this past week, I had the opportunity to explore different non-profit websites in my Foundations of Social Work class. While exploring, I came across IJM (International Justice Mission). I became very intrigued by the group’s website. Most of the website contains various stories of the successful rescue missions resulting from financial contributors.…

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Christianity in CO | Compassion International

Hello hello! Now that I have made my way through my first mini series, I decided I would start another one. This time, I though I would take a closer look around my home town, Colorado Springs, CO. For some reason, CO Springs has some awesome Christian organizations in our area so I thought that…

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How to create community

I made this post as an empty draft over three weeks ago, during which time God connected with me more and better than ever before in my life, and my relationship with him is now incredible compared to what it was. One of the reasons for this that I have figured out is that to…

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Gen Z: Walking Away from Christ

A couple weeks ago, we looked at statistics analyzing the different generations and how they identified themselves; Christian, Atheist, or otherwise. While all of the other generations seemed to remain relatively stable, with some change hare and there, Gen Z was incredibly atheistic or agnostic, with Christianity brushed to the side. How did this happen?…

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Creating in the Image

One of the coolest skills that human beings possess is the ability to create things. From pieces of art and music, to advanced technology and modes of transportation. We as a species are incredibly skilled at thinking of new and creative ways of changing the world in which we live. Being creative is one of…

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Thoughts on Chris Pratt

A couple weeks ago, we looked at a controversy that arose surrounding Christ Pratt acknowledging his Christian faith and how the church he supported didn’t support homosexuality. This was made an issue by Ellen Page over Twitter, in which she implied that Pratt too must hate homosexuals simply because his church didn’t support their behavior.…

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The Unchurched: An Interview with a Friend

Over spring break I sat down with a friend of mine who goes to a school where the gospel is not preached, he fits the definition of Unchurched, and I picked his mind for a while.  He also leans towards the left, so his viewpoints are much different than mine which I think helped the…

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Issues with Evangelism Today

I feel as if today there are a lot of churches trying to focus on evangelizing to our generation, we are very independent and confident in ourselves, which is a great thing, but not all of the time.  We tend to think that we are right, and a lot of this generation does not think…

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