Mission Aviation Fellowship

The Mission Aviation Fellowship is a non-profit organization created to spread the word to places around the world that are experiencing extreme poverty and isolation. As this is a huge problem in the world, isolation and poverty most likely means that the people in these regions have not heard the Gospel. That is what Mission…

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Project Water

Recently, it came to my mind that my own high school that I attended for four years was and is doing an incredible job of creating a redemptive impact felt by many impoverished people living in Africa. The name of this is called “NA Project Water.” North Allegheny is located in Wexford which is about…

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The Alliance to End Hunger

The Alliance to End Hunger is a non-profit organization that strives to end hunger not only in just the USA, but also abroad. The company Bread for the World established Alliance to End Hunger as a platform for secular and faith based organizations to intertwine with each other and work together to fight the epidemic…

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Compassion International: Sponsor a Child

Compassion International, a child advocacy ministry, aims to “pair compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty.” The man who started this non-profit organization, Rev. Everett Swanson, traveled to South Korea to minister the people fighting in the Korean war. As he walked the…

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People are Important Choose Wisely

People Crosswalk

6 Elements of Every Organization: Language Offering Model Structure Path People (I bet this list will show up again).  Today, I was thinking about the 6th element: people. People People are arguably the most important of the six elements. In class we discussed how the wrong people on a team can tank an organization. There…

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Minding the Gospel

Gospel Mindedness

4 Critical Mindsets: Embody the Gospel Seek empathy Prototype everything Multiply your impact Not only can I almost guarantee that this list of 4 values that are critical to every Gospel minded organization will show up again on an exam, I want to dive into what embodying the Gospel really means. Gospel-Mindedness Gospel-mindedness or my…

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Old Dead Gangsters

ODG Mission

What is ODG? ODG stands for “Old Dead Gangsters.” You may be wondering what this is, because same when I first heard of it. ODG is a Christian apparel line – now don’t start thinking of all the cheesy Jesus saying/verse shirts. The clothing that ODG designs not only is high quality, it is designed…

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What is a daily necessity that most of us take for granted every single time that we use it? Water. This luxury, in its purest form, is something that thousands of children go without every single day. The organization Lifewater, however, is attempting to relieve this crisis one village at a time. Lifewater is a…

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Feed My Starving Children

There are so many amazing Christian businesses and organizations out there that truly have a gospel centered mission and strive to help others with their business. One organization that emulates these attributes is Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), a non-profit organization that packages meals for starving children around the world. They have created a formula…

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Admiring Creation while Worshiping the Creator

National parks, for many years, have been a significant contributor to the status of modern culture. Attendance analysis indicates a steady increase in the number of visitors the top 10 national park systems are servicing every day. More people than ever before are visiting the natural treasures of the United States. An interesting relationship can…

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