Tyson Foods Faith Oriented?

I was not aware that Tyson Foods was a faith-minded business, but after hearing about it from one of my close friends I did some research and what I found about it was quite interesting.  First off they hold chapel services right in their workplace, but the really cool part is they have chaplains at…

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Small Church Evangelism

Small churches in my area especially struggle with keeping and bringing people into their church.  This is causing smaller churches to down size and die out, which is obviously a huge problem.  They mainly focus on appealing to the older generations which is not necessarily a problem for now, but for future generations this poses…

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Why Do You and I Matter?

As I finish my semester as a student in Prof. Sweet’s Entrepreneurship and the Mission of the Church class, I’m struck by where we started— Genesis 1:27. We are made in the image of our matchless creator. But what does this mean? When I first came to Grove City College, I struggled with anxiety and…

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Church Leadership and Developing the Entrepreneur

What does it mean to believe in Jesus? Today, we think of belief as an intellectual experiment. “Yeah, this is some pretty good logic, so I’ll believe in *insert your religion, philosophy, political party, etc. here.*” But that’s not how the New Testament writers thought of belief. For instance, in John 3:16, when it says…

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Work and the Bible

Earlier this semester, I wrote a post about being a Christian in the workplace and balancing, work, relationships and rest. This post will look more into the importance of work and the biblical perspective of work. The importance of work in scripture is evident from the start, and man was created to work. “The Lord…

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Youth and Media; Online Churches

If there’s one thing that’s extremely influential with modern youth in today’s society, it’s media. From movies, music, videogames, and social media, technology has opened up numerous ways for people to entertain themselves. While Christianity has been able to utilize media to help further the Gospel, there are plenty of other things in competition for…

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Open Hearts and Homes

For the past couple of years, my family have opened up our home for orphans from Eastern Europe via a Christian hosting service called Open Hearts and Homes. This program allowed my parents to host numerous children from Latvia, Ukraine, and Russia. My parents have been able to show the love of Christ, what an…

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Boil Some Tea

  Recently I heard a lecture given by CEO of Panera Blain Hurst. During the presentation Mr. Hurst offered some words of advice to his audience of mostly college students, and something he said stood out more than all other advice he gave that night. Mr. Hurst told these students, “Don’t boil the ocean, start…

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Local Church and Local Business

Image Source: Most Holy Trinity Parish The church is a world changer. One of the many aspects of redemptive entrepreneurship is the furthering of the gospel through businesses. As we discussed in class, the size of a church does not dictate the amount of impact it can have on society. All it takes is a…

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