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Redeeming Education

Image source: Evolve Digitas Redemptive Entrepreneurship often comes in a variety of forms. In class we have discussed toy manufacturing companies, food industries, and a variety of humanitarian efforts that aim to help people’s physical and spiritual needs. I would like to turn your attention to the overwhelming need that exists in the educational sector. […]

The Importance of Perspective:

The four stages of a company’s development according to Praxis are Concept, Launch, Prove, and Scale. In these four stages it is important for a company to never lose focus on their mission and vision. Many companies will enter the development process with a great concept, and a good mission and vision. They will then […]

Pine needles, galaxies, and e-minors

I have had the same lock screen on my phone for a while and thought it was such a good message that I would pass it on. I am sure that most of you are familiar with Francis Chan, one of the most influential pastors in the Christian community. In his book Crazy Love he […]

Selfishness Needs to take a Back Seat

Pete Ochs. His simple, two-syllable name is a fascinating juxtaposition to a not-so-simple lifestyle. After growing up on a farm and learning how to work hard and be diligent, he started his career in commercial banking. After almost a decade of work in commercial banking, he opened his own investment firm, which became remarkably successful. […]

Lean Times

This class discusses the intersection of sound business principles and strong personal faith. Our class and this department constantly interact with many wildly successful redemptive entrepreneurs, who have discovered how to properly integrate these two seemingly opposed ideas. We could be forgiven for thinking that redemptive entrepreneurship is easy. I want to relate my limited […]

Business as a Communications Platform for the Gospel

Image Source: Christianity Today Advancing the Gospel simply means to communicate the message of the Gospel to others.  The premise is, if people are properly exposed to the Gospel, the Holy Spirit will work in them to bring them to accept it.  In other words, Christ changes hearts. Our job is simply to tell. But […]