Pat Williams – The Man, The Myth, The Leader

You may or may not recognize the name of the NBA hall of fame member, former GM of both professional basketball and baseball teams, and author of more than 100 books (yes, I did say that correctly… 100+ books).  He was also a founding member of the Orlando Magic NBA team. In many of Pat’s…

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Christ and the Coronavirus

As we are all aware, there is a current world concern with the coronavirus; but did you know that there are multiple strains of coronaviruses? For example, SARS and MERS are a more common form of a coronavirus and is mostly associated with respiratory problems. As of now, this new form of a coronavirus, COVID-19,…

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Looking For Change

Recently my home church, in Quakertown PA, expressed a desire change as it seems the church is having trouble brining in younger families and is having difficulty with close proximity and “backyard” type ministries. When my parents informed me about this it got me excited because of what I am learning right here in this…

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Redemptive Art From Prison

One of the most amazing things about God and His creativity is His redemptive power in our own lives. God sometimes works in people’s lives to bring incredible transformation in incomprehensible ways. His restorative power is also seen when people use their God-given creativity as a means for restoration. This is exactly what is happening…

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What a D.light!

I’m sure as you sit here reading this on either your cell-phone or your computer, the thought of not having electricity at the tip of your fingers is unfathomable. Cofounders Sam Goldman and Ned Tozun of D.light discovered through research that one in three people in the world do not have the opportunity to appreciate…

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Chris Pratt

Ahhhh Chris Pratt.  What a guy.  Chris is one of America’s favorite actors, he is funny, good looking, and a Christian!!  That last attribute is one that many people probably don’t know about Chris, but it is definitely one of the most important things.  In class we watched a clip of Chris Pratt on a…

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31 Gifts: A Company Founded on Christian Principles

Cindy Moore founded 31 Gifts in 2003, and they are headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. 31 Gifts is a company that selling fishable and affordable customized purses, totes, and bags. The company targets the gift giving customer segments. The 31 in the name comes from the 3st Proverb in Bible, the verse talks about the working…

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Forever 21 and Their Christian Agenda

Forever 21 is a Christian company that is trying to further the voice of Christ through putting Bible verses on their company bags and Christian thinking on their tee-shirts. It is clothing for the young fashionable men and women. They have recently received a lot of flack about their new release of graphic design tees.…

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John D. Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller is considered the wealthiest of man of modern history, he lived to be almost 100 years-old, (1839- 1937). He was an entrepreneur of the greatest magnitude, he created something that would change the world indefinitely… Standard Oil. He created the first oil refinery in the world, this changed the world in several…

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3D Built Homes for the Kingdom

Many of us have heard about incredible 3D built homes for families who make less than two-hundred dollars a month. What is almost more amazing is the partnership that was created for this idea to become a reality. This incredible feat was the partnership of two redemptive-minded businesses coming together to create something beautiful. The…

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