Churches reaction to Covid-19

Due to Covid-19 churches around the world have had to adapt and find ways to keep people involved without holding any services. This week, from Italy to Singapore, congregations affected by the Covid-19 outbreak either held virtual fast-and-testimony meetings on YouTube or Zoom or didn’t meet at all. During this time period it is important…

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Do Not Boast…

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” ~ Proverbs 27:1 A friend of mine posted this verse on his Instagram story a few days ago. When I saw it, I didn’t fully understand what it meant or where he was coming from when he had put the…

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Movie Ministry Series: Charlton Heston

The 50’s and 60’s were certainly a time where openly Christian and Christian-themed movies were revered and praised. Thus when director Cecil B. DeMille sought to recreate his original silent film The Ten Commandments, he used an up and coming actor who had an uncanny resemblance to Michelangelo’s depiction of Moses. Charlton Heston had only…

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Interstate Batteries

Sometimes the Lord shows up in big and marvelous ways, other times it is the still quiet voice. Regardless of how loud or small the voice of the Lord is, we can all agree that it is still the voice of the Lord. Similarly, certain companies print bible verses and seek to be a public…

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A Societal Bombshell Normalized

Jessica Rey is an actress and designer. She is a known non-conformist because of her unique view on specific topics. Jessica Rey made a video on the evolution of women’s swim wear. She explained the history of the bikini. She explained the word ‘bikini’ came from the name of a nuclear warhead because introducing this…

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Content Creators, Influencers, and Redemptive Impact

A lot of young people today want to become “content creators” or “social media influencers.” These terms can encompass lots of different categories, but what does a redemptive content creator or social media influencer look? There is a fantastic opportunity for these influencers to use their platform for redemptive purposes. The status quo of “spreading…

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Team Rubicon

In a world were natural disasters can happen anywhere, there are businesses who fight back with help for communities and restoration. One of the companies is Team Rubicon. Since 2010 Team Rubicon has been restoring natural disaster areas all around the United States and overseas. They are a non profit organization that run off of…

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A House on Beekman

A House on Beekman is a nonprofit enterprise that seeks to join God in “the renewal of the Southern Bronx”. Sara Miller, the founder of A House on Beekman, saw how privileged she was and how much she “watered down” the gospel and sought to be as Christ-like as possible. She considered where Jesus would…

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Wilderness Collective

Wilderness Collective is an outdoor focused adventure company that is redemptively focus in their interactions with customers. Though they are a for profit business, they focus it around letting their customers relax and enjoy the experience provide and guide discussion that gets them thinking deeply about their purpose. Products they offer include a wilderness magazine…

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Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow was a collegiate super star. The story of the 2009 Florida Gators football team is an incredible one. They had NFL stars, murderers, other players that went to prison and some serious thugs. In the heart of it all, was there Christian leader, Tim Tebow. Before his national championship game, Tebow said god…

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