Cher Wang – HTC Phones!

The daughter of Taiwanese business icon Y.C. Wang, Cher Wang is the founder of the HTC Corporation. Wang was born into a family of successful moguls and was encouraged early on to take the initiative in everything from extracurricular activities to studying abroad. She eventually earned her master’s degree in economics and founded HTC in…

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Steps to Christian Entrepreneurship

First, we are commanded to “let the peace of God rule in your hearts” — in other words, the peace of God, which comes through the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, to those who believe in His name, is to rule in us. When the unruly passions rise up in our lives, we are to…

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Missional Entreprenuership

In the attached video Shannon Hopkins, from the Church Mission Society in the UK, talks about what it means to use and help others with the idea of missional entrepreneurship. Shannon talks about how she used to be a missionary and Church planter in the UK but then decided to try and work in the…

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Life at a ‘Facebook live’ church

  In recent times, many churches have switched to ‘online mode’ but what does that look like from an insider’s perspective? My mother is a pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Sugar Grove, Pa, and we moved from an ‘in-person’ congregation to a ‘Facebook live’ church that is done exclusively from our dining room.…

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What is Tegu?

Tegu, when first looked up, is a type of lizard, but the toy company Tegu is what’s really making a difference; they have given the people of Tegucigalpa, Honduras a chance to provide for their family. The product is a high-end type of block with magnets inside that allow for children to build with them.…

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Light of Life Rescue Mission

If you’ve ever volunteered at a homeless shelter, you probably have a solid perspective on what Light of Life Rescue Mission is all about. Light of Life is a ministry centered around providing food and shelter for the homeless, while also making a point to “build disciples for the Kingdom of God among the poor,…

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Entreprenuership and the Local Church

In the attached video Chris Horst, the vice president of development at Hope International, talks about what it means to put together entrepreneurship and the local Church. One of the first things that Chris does is he defines what he thinks of as entrepreneurship as, “Seeing an unmet need and using the abilities given to…

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Empowering the Church to Serve the Most Vulnerable

World Relief Atlanta, a non-profit organization, is on a mission to empower the local Church to serve the most vulnerable – refugees and immigrants. Their vision throughout their organization is to not only provide these people with economic, social, and spiritual change, but to also partner with the local Church in doing that, which sets…

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Economic Relief, Innovation, and… Churches?

Many of you might be wondering, how do churches relate to the new federal stimulus package? With many small businesses, mom and pop stores, and even large corporations such as Starbucks struggling due to the government shutdown the the government recently released that it will loan out money to many businesses to help pay utilities,…

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Insta Church

“Quarantine has made church outreach much harder.” Really? This is probably the greatest opportunity for the spread of Christianity in the history of mankind. Virtually EVERYONE is on the internet (no pun intended). However, in the midst of uncertainty within the church, there is one loyal Christian who is taking advantage of the situation. “Insta…

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