Budding.Creationss: The Beginning
The task of this blog post is to share and report redemptive business or acts from churches. I have been successful in posting other blogs for this class to check the box and get the completion grade. However this semester I am challenging myself to put real effort into this work as a blogger. Therefore,…
Read MoreTim Tebow – Night to Shine
Tim Tebow is much more than an athlete. Though he has been scrutinized for his throwing ability, he knows that his throwing ability never defined him. As we have seen throughout his college and professional football days, he knew football was temporary and God is forever. What is cool about him is that he always…
Read MoreMaximizing Kingdom Impact — Cru
In 1951, a young man named Bill Bright was struck with a burning passion to reach the entire world for Christ, starting with college campuses. With some help, he started a ministry called Campus Crusade for Christ at UCLA. By the grace and power of God, the organization grew quickly as the gospel went out…
Read MoreDoing Online-Church, Without Loosing Community
When Covid-19 first struck everyone, many people were nervous that Churches would lose their meaning and not be able to continue providing believers with the fresh word and message, but I had a different experience. I attend a Church by the name of Liquid that seeks to “liquify the culture and immerse it in Christianity…
Read MoreNewness Added to Quantitative and Qualitative Benchmarks
While quantitative and qualitative data descriptions are the two categories most commonly taught in early math or statistics classes, a different category is brought up in a church context. “Fruitfulness” is explained by Tim Keller as another aspect going beyond surface level observations. Fruitfulness takes both typical measures into account into a more specific focus…
Read MoreEntrepreneurship and ministry
Entrepreneurs readily champion causes that contribute to the good of the world. While the world needs all the charities, orphanages, and non-profits it has and more, ministry is limited when one puts social causes first. Where is one to go, then, when he wants to do good and aid in the spread of the gospel?…
Read MoreLeaving the 99
The saying “if something isn’t broken, don’t fix it” conflicts with the biblical pattern of God being one who is making all things new and constantly innovating. When things seem to be working fine, it is easy to resist change, as we do not like to change what is working for us. However, the Lord…
Read MoreRedemptive Entrepreneurship: A Biblical Analysis
Identifying the best practices in church growth and ministry, and how that connects to redemptive entrepreneurship is a lengthy exercise, one that must have a clear jumping off point before digging further. As we begin this three-part series, we ought to define “entrepreneurship” and “redemption.” It is to the latter that we turn first. Romans…
Read MoreCovid-19 and Its Effect On the State of Church Worship
It is safe to say at this point that Covid-19 has created many difficulties across the world regarding all gatherings and group-related activities. Local Churches and Sunday activities are no exception to this. Due to state mandates and a lack of general safety for their congregations, churches large and small, old and new have all…
Read MoreInnovative Missions – React, Adapt, Proclaim
A full time missionary plays many roles throughout the course of their ministry. They are evangelists, pastors, teachers, community leaders, doctors even – and many have an additional job to support their ministry and pave the way for more connections. As they enter the mission field, many missionaries are prepared for this ‘jack-of-all-trades’ position. However,…
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