One For Israel

In 1990, One for Israel was started as a Bible college in Israel.  30 years later, it has expanded to become a mission ministry with a strong digital outreach program that seeks to unite Jewish and Arab believers through Christ.  Their mission is to continue “reaching Israelis with the Good News of Yeshua, training and equipping…

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Alaska Air – no longer Chrisitan centered

As a fellow Alaskan, I have the privilege of receiving benefits for flying Alaska Air. I have miles and a rank for how many miles I have flown. Sadly, I had no idea that in the previous years of Alaska Air’s existence that it was considered a Christian company. Apparently during long flights when the…

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It all Starts with You

No matter what you are starting, whether it is a new idea or venture, or task, there is always one beginning. You. You set the core values to whatever you are going to do. Therefore if you are the starting point for all ideas that means when you are talking on a Redemptive Business you…

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Prototyping makes perfect

Prototyping is essential to any business. So many people try to just go 0-100 immediately and assume everything will turn out perfectly, but often this is not the case. Something is bund to go wrong, or something won’t be perfect the first time around, so if you don’t take time to prototype and test your…

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Redemptive Practices and Potential at Shaws

Shaw Orchards has proudly been selling fresh fruit in Stewartstown, PA for over 100 years. Though the family farm market is not Christian in name, operations are run ethically with excellence. Starting out as a simple apple orchard in 1909, founder Calvin Shaw didn’t have explicit plans to start a redemptive business. Over the years,…

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Hobby Lobby-A Different Type of Christian Business

As many individuals look at companies today, many may think that the success of the businesses solely came from hard work, struggle, pain, and luck, but that just isn’t all of it. For example, if you observe Hobby Lobby, you can see how a Christian Man used his faith, resources, and beliefs to guide his…

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Regulator Marine

*my account got deleted and I may have already posted this*   Joan Maxwell, the president and co-founder of Regulator Marine is a redemptive entrepreneur. I found her company on the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast and decided to research how she was embodying the gospel. She has created a successful company that embodies the gospel…

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9Marks is a donor-supported ministry organization that supports pastors and churches by providing resources that teach the nine biblical marks (Preaching, Biblical Theology, The Gospel, Conversion, Evangelism, Membership, Discipline, Discipleship, Leadership) of a healthy church. “9Marks’ strategy is the same [as the disciples’ church planting]: we partner with faithful international churches and trusted local partners…

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Coffee on Canvas

Army Major Jon Norquist discovered his unique form of art by way of a coffee making accident. Using a malfunctioning coffee pot resulted in spilling coffee on the table, but the unique pattern one day caught the artist’s attention as something to create. This spilled coffee art began on paper, then moved on to an…

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A Door of Hope Ministry

A Door of Hope is faith-based pregnancy center in Delaware focused on guiding women through the decision making process as a result from potentially unwanted pregnancies. The center’s two locations provide counseling programs, medical care by licensed physicians, and supplies for new mothers to raise a child. Women will be lead through the outcomes of…

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