+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street


I am sure that everyone is familiar with the bracelets that include the letters HWLF. These bracelets are from a redemptive business called He Would Love First. This company seeks to answer the questions What Would Jesus Do?  The company focuses their mission around the verse Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for […]


DonorSee is a platform for us to connect and directly support vetted projects and nonprofit organizations around the world. A message from the founder is “we started with a single mission: help the world’s poorest.” I think DonorSee serving with the idea of kingdom impact because they dream of a world where the poor receive […]


BLQK Coffee was created by the formal NFL player, Justin Watson.  He created this company in order to highlight the relationship that coffee holds with the community.  This company donates 25% of its profits to African American communities and also donates to various organizations that aim to improve education, fight for food justice, etc.  Upon […]

How Little Moo Soft Blankets are Warming the Heart

Stephanie Lemieux, daughter of arguably the greatest hockey player in history, has created her own mission-based company called Little Moo. Through lots of research and R&D, Stephanie has not only created one of the softest blankets, but also created a huge impact for children in hospitals. Austin’s Playroom Project was started by the Lemieux family […]


(I know we went over this in class but I decided to talk about it a little more and learn some more about them) I’m sure everyone reading this remembers Tegu from the class when we watched some of their videos. They do incredible things with an incredible product. They truly have mastered the perfect […]