Image source: 1Dental

If you are a college student, odds are you have put some thought into what you want to do after college. The pressure of impressing your friends or not disappointing your parents is real. It comes up in conversation all the time, “what is your calling?” I used to get stressed when people asked me this question because I was not sure what my calling was. I had been asking myself that question for a long time. Shouldn’t I know what my calling is? I have come to find that the answer was simpler than I thought— not everyone has a calling!

That’s right! Not everyone has a calling! There are special times in which God calls people to ministry, or to make a major life decision, but these instances are rare. Hundreds of years ago, this question was far less common because one’s occupation was often determined by family lineage. The 21st century is an exciting time to be alive because humanity now has at its disposal more technology than in the past. Innovation has raised our standards of living and given us more career options than ever before. Asking the question what your calling is adds an unnecessary level of stress to an already complex situation.

God has a plan for everyone’s life. Like many entrepreneurial breakthroughs, which are not instant or disconnected ideas, God reveals life’s plan slowly and progressively over time. God’s will will be done, whether we would like it to be or not. If you are interested in business, or science, or music, follow the path that will support you and that you will enjoy. God will stop you along the way if it is not His will. Listen for His voice, obey His Word, but please— stop looking for your calling and just try things.

Bobby Keicher

Published by
Bobby Keicher

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