More than a Flooring Company
At first glance, The Masters Craft is a high functioning hardwood flooring distributor in the Midwest. They provide a quality service at a competitive price. It is simply a solid business that runs well. If you dig a little deeper, however, their goal is much bigger than that.
The company describes their goal as a commitment to use their business to support highly effective ministries in some of the most difficult places around the world. Externally, they seek to change the way people do business and to focus on why they are doing it. Internally, they seek to provide the opportunity for people to do business as missions. They prioritize peoples needs first, seeking to operate efficiently and strategically for a greater purpose.
At the front-end of things, they are what their tagline says they are, your go-to flooring company. On the back-end, they are making a difference all around the world, having the understanding that there are so many more important things that hardwood floors.
I had the privileged of working for The Masters Craft this summer and I agree with all that you said. They are an amazing company with values that go beyond just “ethical”. They love their employees, customers, and suppliers the way that we were called to love by Jesus.
This company sounds so cool! I love that as they are building products they are huge parts of building the Kingdom through their financial support!
Its always nice to see a company that goes beyond simply an effective business model. They seem to be truly trying to exemplify what it means to serve God in all things.
This is such a fascinating business! It’s always so inspiring when a business is concerned about so much more than just the business aspect, seeking to go deeper with their clients. Nice work!
Hey Josh, this is honestly soo cool. It sounds like they are putting down some really solid foundations/ wood flooring.
I met the recruiter for Masters Craft when he was here at Grove City for the career panel at the beginning of the year. Just talking to him, I was able to see that he truly lives out the principles that Masters Craft stands for. It’s not just a tagline or missions statement. It is a lifestyle.
Honestly, I’m just impressed with how many people know what Master Craft is. Personally I have never heard of them, but now I’m a little interested with the mission they look to achieve.