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Maximizing Kingdom Impact — IGI

Innovations for Gospel Impact, or IGI for short, is a faith-based non-profit focused on sharing the Word of God as effectively as possible. The organization acts an incubator to help the local body of Christ spread the good news through a process designed for exponential growth.

IGI has developed a unique, productive business model to achieve their mission. They connect Christian businesspeople and entrepreneurs to local pastors through existing organizations focused on ending poverty. By joining these church networks who are already doing the good work of Christ, IGI maximizes their potential by providing the support that they lack. The businesspeople and entrepreneurs with IGI come alongside these local leaders to empower their ministry by helping them create and carry out a plan for maximum impact. Specific services include seed funding, board and organizational consultation, entrepreneurial training, and planning for scale.

Another key to the success of their model is the way they analyze the initiatives they support. IGI uses an ImpactFlow process to make these judgments, which assesses the strength of the local “superhero” or church leader, the type and historic performance of the service delivered, the effectiveness and maturity of governance, and the urgency and type of need. Then, when the seed funding and expertise prove to be fruitful, more funding follows.

IGI’s concrete goal for significant kingdom impact is to reach one million people with the gospel in the next three years. They are currently working on projects in the US, Uganda, India, Vietnam, and the Philippines.





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  • I've been hearing more and more about organizations that are trying to do this. It's very cool to see so many people bringing their business and administration skills to the table to help ministries and missionaries.

  • IGI appears to do a good job of equipping pastors who might be seeking to innovate but might not have the technical skills in order to carry out their vision. Being a non-profit Org. is probably a good choice to avoid perceived negative connotations of the business world.

  • I really like the connection concepts here. Being able to connect people (Christian businesspeople & pastors) that share common goals and thoughts towards a good cause is something that is truly awesome. With this in mind, you can create the 'maximum impact' that you strive to achieve.

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