Local Church and Local Business
Image Source: Most Holy Trinity Parish
The church is a world changer. One of the many aspects of redemptive entrepreneurship is the furthering of the gospel through businesses. As we discussed in class, the size of a church does not dictate the amount of impact it can have on society. All it takes is a few strongly devoted Christians to get God’s will accomplished. Small churches far exceed the number of large churches in America. When I say small churches, I am referring to a church that is less than average for the area that the church is located in. I believe those churches can become excellent launching grounds for redemptive businesses.
The local church can have a large impact on the businesses in their area. Much like coffee shops back in the day, the small local churches can become great places of networking and exchanging of information. Generally, church goers that are also invested in business can rely upon other members of the congregation for trustworthy transactions. These men and women can do great things for the kingdom— the church provides a wonderful ground for innovation to occur.
Churches have both a spiritual and physical duty to perform. The spiritual duties may entail prayer and discipleship. The physical responsibilities that a church should be taking care of includes the poor, the widows, the orphans, and other community needs. The result of being attuned to the pains of society means better businesses can be created to solve those problems. Asking for donations to help others is good, creating sustainable sources of funding is even better. Just imagine all of the redemptive businesses that could be developed if we put the passion and heart of Jesus for the suffering into the business plans of the next generation! The church will always be a place of worship and learning for Christians, but with a little innovation it can also be a God centered job incubator.
Great post! Something that I think Christians forget, is that The Church is not the physical buildings, but rather it is the congregation. Yes when we meet with other believers on Sunday and throughout the week we should engage in corporate worship of the almighty God, but through out the week, we are still the Church and in our businesses and transactions with each other we can still be living for God and demonstrating what it is to be a believer.
This is such a creative idea! I’ve never considered church to be such a great network of people to create and innovate.