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Lauren Daigle

Lauren Daigle

Everyone should have heard of/know about Lauren Daigle.  Lauren is a contemporary Christian music artist.  She has dozens of songs, and has been making an impact on the world a little bit at a time.  She is becoming more and more popular as time goes on!

I want to take it back to when she decided to become a singer though because I don’t think it is common story to be told, at least I had never heard of it.  So when Lauren was 15 she got very very sick.  Doctors and her family thought it was Mono because all she wanted to do was lay on the couch and could barely move because of how tired she was.  After going to doctors on top of doctors and specialists on top of specialists, they finally diagnosed it as a mean cousin of Mono (a really long name that I won’t add).  It was more intense than Mono and targeted her liver and other major organs.

As she sat at home day after day, alone, her mom got her a devotional and she began to really get into that as she watched the sun out the window in her loft.  She would talk to God and ask him “what are you trying to tell me?”  One day Lauren went to the bathroom and she looked into the mirror and saw a girl.  It was her but in her words it was “another Lauren Daigle, an impossible image of myself that was vivid and real.”  She thought she was going insane, but as she tried to shake it, it would not go away.  As she looked in the mirror she saw herself singing to thousands of people at an outdoor stadium and getting off a tour bus.  As she sat there and pondered what she was seeing, she realized this was God promising her that she was going to get through her illness and be back to normal someday.  She said the images were promises and has believed that to this day.

Although not all of us get vivid images like this from God, this is still an incredible story that should motivate all of us!  God is always with us and has a plan for our lives even when it does not seem like it.  Lauren took an almost deadly experience and turned it into an amazing story that she uses to spread the word of God around the world!

Christian Singer Lauren Daigle on Homosexuality: 'I Can't Say One ...

1 Comment

  1. Wow, I never knew this! What an awesome story. Knowing her story better really adds to the experience of listening to her music. Thanks for this! 🙂

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