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Kingdom Impact

Kingdom Impact

Business is a valid arena to have a Kingdom impact. Businesses have a platform (their customers), they have funds, and they have cultural authority over those employed by them. All of these things can be used on their own to make a positive impact for the Kingdom, but when a single source (a company) puts them all together, they are able to make a really special impact. Chick-fil-A is an example of a large scale company making a large scale impact. They are relentlessly committed to their customer service, they train their employees for “second-mile service” this is one way they use their platform to show God’s love. They have millions of customers that stop by their locations every day (excluding Sunday, of course), that they are able to reflect God’s selfless love to. They also use their revenue to invest in their employees, in numerous ways. They invest upĀ  to $2,000 a year in college tuition for their college-student employees, and they are known to pay their employees above minimum wage. They also have a very team-orientated culture for their employees, which reflects Christs love for them and makes sure everyone is cared for. In addition, Chick-fil-A uses their revenue to invest in ministries that share the Gospel and touch peoples lives. Through all of these things, Chick-fil-A is able to have a very real Kingdom impact, it is not just because they stand for Christian values, that is just talk. However, it is because they put their resources where their corporate mouth is, and really impact people, that they are able to have the impact for Christ that they have. This is just one example of a company that does this, bit goes to show, that businesses can, certainly, make an impact for the Kingdom. The company can be a local mom and pop shop in small town America, yet, they can still have an impact. In God’s eyes, it is about companies doing what they can with what they have to serve Him, and that is the only judgement that will last.

1 Comment

  1. I fully agree with your point here. It isn’t enough to just claim to be a Christian organization but it is necessary to put your money where your mouth is. Chick-Fil-A does this really well.

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