I feel as if today there are a lot of churches trying to focus on evangelizing to our generation, we are very independent and confident in ourselves, which is a great thing, but not all of the time. We tend to think that we are right, and a lot of this generation does not think that they need Christianity in their lives, which is a big problem for churches today, but I believe it does not have to be. I just believe the people trying to reach these unchurched teens are going about it wrong. In class we discussed some of the problems that the modern day evangelists’ struggle with, but I only will touch on a couple of them that I feel strongly about, because I come from an area where there is a lot of unchurched people especially in Generation Z. The most important to be would be evangelist watering down the Gospel to appeal to my generation, that is one thing that should never be done, but on the contrary evangelists really try to knock the viewpoints home on things like gay marriage and abortion, that tends to scare these unchurched kids away as well, so there needs to be a happy medium found, and when we find that I believe Generation Z can truly be reached.
For this blog I will be comparing how a Catholic mass uses music in its…
I’ve really been thinking about contextualization. For another class, I recently read Patient Ferment of…
"Shine Among Them" is an organic soap company that is run out of Greensburg, PA.…
WWJD & HWLF The phrase, “What would Jesus do?” has been a religious statement dating…
We discussed in class that it is very essential to 1) spread the Gospel, and…
All around the world there are so many different kinds of worship styles. Even within…