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Improving the Market: The Story of Ten Thousand Villages

Improving the Market: The Story of Ten Thousand Villages

Ten Thousand Villages has a very well-known online platform and they sell a diverse range of products created by a myriad of styles. They stand apart because all of their products are ethically-crafted. Their goal as a business is to “share the joy of empowering makers in ten thousand villages.” Fair trade is the air this business is breathing and this means they put people and the planet first. They hope to break cycles of generational poverty all around the world and bring economic fairness to a variety of markets.

Ten Thousand Villages cares for people by ensuring that their makers receive fair living wages and safe working environments. They ensure these fair wages and safe conditions in several ways. For instance, they offer interest-free microfinance loans and provide payment before exportation to their makers. Ten Thousand Villages works hard to ensure that they understand the needs, obstacles, and economic hindrances of their artisans so that they might partner with and support their makers well. Furthermore, to expand their impact, they partner with like-minded organizations that are caring for the needs of marginalized women and celebrating culture through artisanal creations.

Ten Thousand Villages is set apart even further in these developing countries because they promote gender equality, restrict child labor, hire disabled artisans, and provide skill training. Even more so, the average artisans is partnered with Ten Thousand Villages for twenty years. During this time, they can send their children to school and feed their families. This organization works in over twenty countries, hires over twenty thousand makers (60% of which are women). Furthermore, 92% of their revenue is reinvested into perpetuating their “maker-to-market mission,” making them a truly incredible organization.


  1. This is such a cool post! I love that Ten Thousand Villages focuses explicitly on hiring people who may be overlooked in society. Clearly, they had a vision for an organization with impact and they are carrying that out. I love the model and I think many entrepreneurs can learn from them.

  2. This is awesome! There are extremely talented artisans across the world that don’t ever have their work displayed. They simply continue doing what they do just to make a living yet some of their work is immaculate.

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