Immerse: Transforming Youth from Crisis into Overcomers

In 2018, there were 9,120 children in the state of Arkansas that were victims of abuse or neglect. Kids are experiencing more trauma that leads to higher mental, emotional, and physical manifestations as they enter adulthood. Kids will try to find ways to cope that are more likely to be risky and dangerous.  Trauma within kids that is left unhealed leads to a very dangerous patterns of continuous abuse and other violence. Immerse Arkansas is working to combat this cycle, by building a new cycle of help. Diagram.png

At Immerse, they build relationships that create a path for growth and healing. This model leads to overcoming which is crucial to kids futures. The founders believe in their model of overcoming and  “do life” in the same neighborhood as the youth they serve. They live where the work needs to be done and follow a serving mentality. God has blessed them with a servant’s heart and this is just a start. Arkansas is just one state that is actively trying to help kids who experience trauma. Immerse is a brand that can collaborate with other systems across the states. Immerse is anchored in values because they have “hearts motivated by worship, a work ethic that is scrappy, and a commitment to stick with each youth, no matter what.” The redemptive work they practice is actively seeing progress in kids hearts and providing them tools to overcome and thrive.


  1. baierlgw19 on April 20, 2021 at 12:36 am

    This sounds like a wonderful organization. Abuse and neglect are very hot button issues and– like you said– can lead to violence put these kids on a bad path. I love that they have built a cycle to help combat the problems these kids are having. I hope there are other states that begin to do this and help kid with a redemptive mindset.

  2. mccaslinkf18 on April 20, 2021 at 2:11 am

    An organization that deals with child abuse and neglect impacts so much more than just that individual. It has the power to change lives at a young age, especially in helping them recover from trauma. I love that Immerse made themselves into a brand that can easily collaborate across the country, even though it’s based in Arkansas. Hopefully, they can continue to impact the lives of kids and promote healing.

  3. Brock Simmons on April 23, 2021 at 1:30 pm

    This ministry has a huge impact on the extremely important lives of the youth of the future, but it also has a domino effect. That child may no longer commit violence against their family in future years, and the parents of the child may even be redeemed through the ministry as well. Maybe not at that point in time but down the road healing for all is possible.

  4. Nate Martin on April 23, 2021 at 3:01 pm

    I love this idea, it is so unique but also an incredible opportunity to bring kids out of a negative situation. What is great about this is their cycle to bring kids out of this, but also the fact that the people doing this work are living in their communities. That is so amazing and needs to be done. Jesus is the greatest “do life” person to ever exist. He did life with his disciples and the people he was surrounded with during his ministry. Resembling that is key.

  5. chowje18 on April 26, 2021 at 5:14 am

    People often talk about the idea of building and equipping the next generation, but it ends up sometimes turning into a phrase simply meant to “sound good”. Excellent to see an example of an organization actually doing this in a practical and meaningful way.