Humphreys Street Coffee

“Drink Good Coffee for a change.”

You have my attention!

Humphreys Street Coffee is a business that seeks to provide jobs, mentorship opportunities, and leadership skills for teens who find themselves in an under-resourced neighborhood in Nashville, Tennessee. Teens who work at Humphreys Street are provided with not only a positive financial opportunity, but also opportunities to discover different schools that they may pursue in the future. 100% of profits are reinvested into programs and scholarships that support the students. Not only all of this, but students are also trained in financial literacy to help them think strategically about the future.

Humphreys Street Coffee is one of the many ministries provided by Harvest Hands, a Christian organization that has hosted many after-school programs and opportunities for children in their community. They are doing amazing work, now serving 100 students a day to help them grow in every way: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Here is their mission statement: “Harvest Hands is a catalyst for Christ-centered, holistic community development working alongside our neighbors to further education, healthy living, spiritual formation, and economic development in South Nashville.” And they seem do be doing a fantastic job.

For you Tenth Avenue North fans (like me! :)), Humphrey Street has come out with a custom blend based on the band’s last album. It’s called the “Finally Living Blend.”

Find out more about this amazing organization here:


  1. Ellianna Fry on April 2, 2020 at 12:30 am

    Wow this is such a cool company! I love how they are specifically targeting teens and really are focusing on them and their needs, such as scholarships and support. This is also a pretty unique company and I haven’t heard of anything like it before!

  2. Matt Villers on April 2, 2020 at 3:47 am

    I love teenage and young adult ministries as well as cool coffee shops! I have several friends who live in the Nashville area and have seen how much ministries and organizations have done to help those who need spiritual and fiscal help! I might have to see if I can order a bag sometime!