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HTC Corporation- What’s Next?

An entrepreneur who I greatly respect is CEO Cher Wang. Cher is a Taiwanese businesswoman, and more importantly a Christian. HTC is a tech giant of a corporation and while not considered a Christian company, her work embodies redemptive entrepreneurship. As a Christian, she believes it is the work of God’s people to ask ourselves “What’s Next?” Christians struggle to embody our humility that we alone cannot solve everything. Moreso, we need to continue learning and growing while relying on God. In an interview with Cher Wang, she will attribute her success and life choices to her Christian faith. She has always worked hard because of her motivation through her Christian faith.

HTC Corporation has partnered with Google and Microsoft to create devices in the fast-growing tech environment. These devices range from laptops to mobile devices. They attempt to serve society and make life better by improving our everyday tech use.  HTC embodies the questions “but what’s next?” Their newest phone is titles Exodus 1 that provides crypto-owner protection built into the hardware. This has been a huge push for extra secure protection and HTC has begun to pave the way. HTC Corportation was named the World’s most powerful brand in 2012 and has grown to have incredible market value. This companies success have been recognized for their quick track to success that has a foundation through a Christian entreprenuer.


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  • Good point! I think it's awesome how non-Christian companies can still embody Christian redemptive values for their businesses. It shows that the business of entrepreneurship can change for the better in the future.

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