While it’s possible that I literally was the only person to be surprised by it, when searching for Christian owned business, I found Hobby Lobby to be present on several lists. Having been founded in 1972 by David Green, Hobby Lobby always has and remains to be owned by devout and conservative Christian owners. To this day Hobby Lobby is still owned by it’s founder David Green, with over 900 locations across the United State. Whether it’s through more subtle gestures like playing worship music in the store, or donating money to notable Christian charities, Hobby Lobby does it’s best to be redemptive when it comes to it’s entrepreneurial endeavors. For instance, the standards to which all employees are held are based on Biblical principles in order to create a work environment that is both efficient and honoring to all employees, whether they are Christian or not. Additionally, Hobby Lobby ‘s approach for redemptive entrepreneurship is to create work environments that build character and discipline. In terms of their profits, Hobby Lobby donates substantial amounts of money to Christian foundations and projects, such as Everyone for Christ, One Hope, Oral Roberts University, Museum of the Bible, and YouVersion, in order to help with the cause of spreading the word. Hobby Lobby’s approach shows that redemptive entrepreneurship can be accomplished in multiple ways other than by providing a Christian specific services/products. Hobby Lobby also proves that truly any business can be redemptive and Christian with applied effort and proper planning. In my opinion, the biggest takeaway in terms of redemptive entrepreneurship is that Hobby Lobby is living and breathing proof that even in the modern era of business, Christian owned businesses that build their business model around Christian principles can and will continue to make an impact in society while maintaining conservative Christian values.
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