Folded Hands- Prayer App

This topic is one that I am currently working on and really have enjoyed. Folded Hands is an app that has been developed by a group of computer science majors for their senior project. Their idea was to develop a software app that allows church pastors and their congregants to have an open communication. This prayer app is a for profit business app that is targeting large churches in the Pittsburgh area to start out. While the app seems to have redemptive aspects to it, the other way to make it even more redemptive is from the funds of larger church memberships, we are going to help aid smaller churches and give them the folded hands subscription for free.

My team, Dillon Werstuik and Avalon Parsons, are coming up with this business model to pitch at the wolverine venture battle this Friday April 28th, 2023. Through working with the software developers and pastor Janet Pratt, we believe we have something that could help integrate faith into our lives and those around us. Being in communion with one another does not have to only be on Sundays and this prayer app gives people a chance to connect and ask for or give out prayers in a way that keeps our hearts focused on caring for one another.

The app is already a thing and with time is projected to earn $150K by 2025. This slow and steady growth can help spread God’s love in a way that helps be in the cutlure but not of it. Our other target is small schools that would like this version of a way to get in touch with others.


  1. Isaac Lipton on April 26, 2023 at 6:38 pm

    It’s good to see that this business isn’t only redemptive in it’s mission, but that it’s also actively redemptive, continually adapting and reacting in time to ways that can make it more redemptive. I like that because if we aren’t actively looking for ways to be redemptive then our businesses can become stagnant and lose it’s luster.

  2. lilliankarchut on May 1, 2023 at 6:16 pm

    Thank you for sharing this prayer app! I really enjoyed reading about how it came to be, where it is at, and where it is projected to go. I think that creating a prayer app is a unique idea for a senior project. Also, I found it surprising that it was for profit. However, I liked how they are using the funds to aid smaller churches. Further, the amount that the app is projected to earn was shocking to me. That is amazing! I also agree that prayer apps are a clever way to incorporate our faith into our everyday lives. There are many prayer and Bible apps that exist today; however, I find it interesting that this app is not only interested with connecting with people, but with churches. Being in a relationship with a church is brilliant, for it brings about a larger market with people and a way of reaching people of all age groups. Thank you for sharing this prayer app!

  3. GuntrumCM21 on May 1, 2023 at 9:27 pm

    Hi David! I actually saw you and your team in the wolverine venture battle and I thought this app was a great idea. I love how it can spread God’s love in a different way! I can’t wait to see where this app will end up.