The family unit is without a doubt on the decline in modern society. Divorce rates are up and there is more division in families than we have seen in our lifetime. Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive in this broken world. It was founded in southern California in 1977 by James Dobson and functions as a Protestant Parachurch based in Colorado Springs. Their mission statement is : “To be led by the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and affirming the God-ordained institution of the family and proclaiming biblical truths worldwide.” They are focused on bringing families together through relationship with Jesus. Focus on the Family provides resources from counseling to a call line and a website for couples to navigate their marriage as well raising their children with the faith. They are willing to come alongside any family situation and provide “relevance and grace at each stage” in the families journey.
Churches and organizations alike have been quick to pledge neutrality on controversial issues but, Focus on the Family also has taken clear stances on issues such as abortion and the LGBTQ movement. They have taken a clear side against both and source the Bible as their reasoning, providing verses that support their stance. They openly proclaim the Gospel and the key role it plays in our salvation, relationships, and raising of healthy children. Focus on the Families commitment to their mission has helped them rise to prominence in the 80s and remain so today. They have expanded since their conception, producing podcasts and other informative material to help families in their journeys.
Link to an interview with the founder:
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