Farming God’s Way: Sustainable Agriculture

I was introduced to Farming God’s Way through my friend, Sherrill, who works in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Four years ago, she was stationed in Zambia where I had the privilege of joining her for a summer in remote villages. I had little to no knowledge of agriculture and was fascinated by this non-profit ministry. Sherrill goes to villages, meeting with chiefs and leaders, and teaches them how to farm with “the resources that God has given to us in the earth.” I never saw her hand out seeds, fertilizer, or tools. Her message was one of sustainability and sought to teach the people to use what the Lord has given to produce crops to feed families and sell in markets. As she teaches the leaders, they in turn teach those in the community. Her focus is on discipleship and spreading the Gospel through parables involving farming in the soil and how it relates to the Good News being sown in the hearts of man.

With a local team now in charge of Farming God’s Way in Zambia, Sherrill has moved to the Congo with her Zambian husband, Saviour, to continue to teach sustainability in remote places. This broader non-profit organization trained her to be able to teach others and has given her the freedom to move wherever else in Africa the Lord takes her. In addition to farming, she has now started to teach animal husbandry. As noted above, she does not believe in handing out seeds or other materials; Sherrill lives simply teaching valuable lessons in humility under the sovereignty of God. She has seen families changed and crops rendering more than first imagined. Sherrill and her team emphasize the power in prayer and trusting in the Lord for the harvest. Not only are hungry people receiving food, but these people are also receiving nourishment for their souls.

In 2018, I heard testimonies from real people in these remote villages of how God is using their crops to further his Kingdom. I presented the Gospel and saw many receive the Good News. As their new “American friend” I am blessed to be able to still get updates and hear about all God is doing in these small villages. The fields and hearts of men are being sustained by the Word of God and what a privilege it is to hear about this kind of Kingdom Work.


  1. SilveyAH20 on April 12, 2022 at 10:56 pm

    Wow! This is an amazing story and I am so glad you shared it. What an honor to get to serve with your friend in Africa. I love how not only is she teaching people how to provide food for their families, but she is also giving people the Good News of Jesus to save their souls. Farming God’s Way sounds like an incredible company that will impact people for generations to come.

  2. ShelatzAD21 on April 24, 2022 at 3:10 am

    This is an amazing opportunity and I feel that this would be a life-changing experience. I have always wanted to go on a mission trip and have a humbling experience such as this by just helping people and spreading the gospel to unreached people groups. Farming God’s Way is a practical business that teaches people the necessary skills and seems like an excellent redemptive business venture that reaches people in a new way through everyday life things.