‘Facebook Live Church’ update

My mother and father do a weekly ‘Bible Chat’ every Wednesday night, and depending on whether or not my sister is there to help, I am in charge of our two pugs. Now pugs are pretty well-managed dogs, and really like attention and are not too active, but that is not to say that they don’t like to play. In the first five minutes of this particular Bible Chat, Gracie, and Manny (the pugs) thought that that was the best time to play with only our loudest squeaky toys. If you watch this Bible Chat on our Facebook page (First Presbyterian Church of Sugar Grove, PA) you can hear me in the background ‘shooshing’ the pugs.

My mother was not pleased, but we can’t have everything go our way, the COVID-19 virus is a great example of that; nobody wanted this, but we adapt.


  1. Jansen Dudt on April 30, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    Hey Evelyn, this is so cool, actually my church is meeting over Facebook live too, it’s so cool how we can be innovative and adapt to the environments that we are in so that we can still worship our God!