Every Shelter – Scott Key

Every Shelter | LinkedInWhile a college student at Rice University Scott Key, along with the help of another student founded Every Shelter. The two young men saw the problem of shelter for displaced individuals across the globe, and came up with a solution. Every Shelter is a non profit designed to provide relief goods to those living in refugee camps and urban areas that have been failed by the systems designed by societies and governments to save them. One may become a refugee for many reasons, persecution, war, or disaster. These people are then placed in what is meant to be temporary shelters, but soon become long term dwellings when the conflict is not solved, or the system cannot help them out of their situation. With solutions to provide a durable floor that prevents disease, provides comfort as well as promoting individuals, Every Shelter accepts donations, partners with the private sector, and much more to improve the lives of these sojourners. Every Shelter recognizes that the problem is not a “one size fits all solution” and is going to take years to solve, but this does not slow them down. They provide rapid relief, for short term immediate needs, as well as gradual long term durable solutions. This organization focuses on quality design, while being human centered, and most importantly has an entrepreneurial mindset for development. In addition they place a high value on the entrepreneurial abilities of individual refuges because they will be the ones leading rebuild once the strife has subsided.Emergency Floor - Every Shelter


  1. shawga20 on March 11, 2021 at 1:16 am

    This is such a good organization! I first learned about it through my social entrepreneurship class last semester with Prof Sweet. It’s so inspiring that he was a college student when he started it! From what I remember, they do a really good job of making the most of resources in a very renewable, creative way to maximize positive impact based on the real needs of the people they work with. Thanks for sharing!

  2. SmithGM19 on March 11, 2021 at 3:40 am

    Never heard of this organization before, but I’m glad to know of them now! I love how they approach things with a methodology that’s geared towards helping people help themselves. (Give a man a fish as opposed to teach the man to fish.)

  3. forddn17 on March 11, 2021 at 3:54 am

    There’s been an increase in skepticism toward aid and poverty alleviation, so it’s good to see people innovating on the process. I think the skepticism is warranted to some extent, but hopefully in a couple decades we’ll see the benefits of people being thoughtful and Christian in their efforts.

  4. dcolflesh19 on March 15, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    This is a truly awesome organization. I admire the sustainability & concepts around this opportunity. I find this organization very useful as they are able to provide rapid relief and long-term durable solutions. I love seeing organizations like these as they restore my faith in humanity and help people flourish.