Drew Yancey, like so many entrepreneurs, invested in a failure start-up business. As he looks back on his experience in his investment with this company, he sees red flags that should have been obvious to him when trying to launch this business.

Yancey believes that when Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God and told his listeners to change their Earthly view, that we should do the same with how entrepreneurship should work. He gives three key factors to how we can achieve this. The first is time. Entrepreneurship is defined by whoever has the best solution, here, and now. As entrepreneurs it is hard to think about the future, because we have to see what is in front of us at this moment. He compares this to Jesus calling us to see the future and how we can make our lives on Earth Godly enough to make it into the Kingdom of God.

The second factor he described is character. Entrepreneurship is based so much in the present day in time, and presenting solutions so quickly, that people don’t give their time to developing character qualities and giving commitment to the business they are trying to run. He compares this to Jesus’s commitment to spreading the word about Jesus’s love for us and having developing a closer relationship with God as he lived his life. As humans, and as entrepreneurs, that should be a priority.

The final key factor he mentioned is money. As any human, but especially entrepreneurs, we have a feverish want and need for money. Most believe that money gives meaning, but that is not what God wanted for us to give us meaning and purpose in life. Yes, money is a means to achieving a greater end, as Yancey stated, but the ultimate goal is the Kingdom of God.




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