Elevated Faith

Elevated Faith, a Christian clothing and jewelry brand that has flourished over the past seven years. Elevated Faith’s mission is to share purpose, hope, and love to a lost world. Founded by Josh Gander, he tells us about how he was lost in the world, but through faith he became new and so did his company! After dropping out of college, Josh found himself in a difficult and lonely place. And through it all, he gave into God’s nudges that lead to a changed life. All his life, he knew his purpose was to influence people positively and share truth with others. His faith in God was what he valued most, and he wanted desperately for all the world to hear about what God has done for him. But he didn’t know how, or what his role in God’s plan would be. That’s when God placed on his heart to start another business.

Josh talks about how he always struggled with sharing his faith with others, so he had the idea to create a jewelry and apparel business that would open doors for him to share his faith easily. He says that “A simple “Hey I like your bracelet!’ could turn into a life-changing experience for that person.”

The name Elevated Faith represents how we, as Christians, are never done growing. We will never be perfect; every single day we must work hard to grow in our relationship with our Creator. The bracelets (and now, apparel, rings & more) serve as a daily reminder to constantly strive to elevate our faith—to take our relationship with God to the next level and to share our faith with others.

Overall, Elevated Faith definitely has a redemptive mission behind their business. Josh was being entrepreneurial when he was put into a difficult situation after dropping out of college, and he pivoted his whole entire life to pursue what God had planned for him. He mentions starting “another” business, so it seems he’s had previous experience of being an entrepreneur. By putting together by scratch a venture that praises God, I’d say Elevated Faith certainly connects entrepreneurship with the mission of the church.


  1. VahlbergCD22 on March 26, 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Ok the idea behind the name is honestly super cool. And just how the idea of using your wardrobe to help you share your faith is an awesome concept.

  2. oakesrj21 on March 26, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    Reagan, I thought this was really cool to see another Christian clothing company! Just a couple weeks ago I had written about HWLF, a similar clothing company. I think it is so awesome that there are so many redemptive companies that offer merchandise, and I think Elevated Faith does this really well.

  3. millerjr23 on March 26, 2024 at 7:33 pm

    Hey Reagan! This was a great post! I’ve bought stuff from the company before and I really loved the experience. Their clothing really did make it easier to be a witness for Jesus in my public highschool and it was fun to see other people wearing their apparel too. Its such a great business and there is so much to learn from them in the way that they run a redemptive business.