Elevated Faith

If you are a young Christian with social media, you have probably seen ads for Elevated faith. Known especially for their start in jewelry and the famous “WWJD” bracelets, they have gained a substantial following.

In 2015, founder and CEO Josh Gander finally answered the call. He had been discouraged in his faith for a while, and began to start moving in response to God’s call. He began to make the famous bracelets, then realized he was onto something.

The bracelets took off, and he realized there was such an opportunity to minister to other discouraged Christians. “All my life, I knew my purpose was to influence people positively and share truth with others. My faith in God was what I valued most, and I wanted desperately for all the world to hear about what He has done for them. But I didn’t know how, or what my role in His plan would be. (Josh Gander)”

He says the brand highlights the imperfections that Christian tend to avoid or gloss over. built on that foundation of humility, his apparel sparks interest in the next generation, the honesty ringing true for Christians across the nation.


Since then, he has grown the brand exponentially, taking off on Instagram, and TikTok. From packing orders in his living room in 2018, to getting his first warehouse in Wisconsin in 2022, Elevated Faith continues to reach others with the gospel.

They don’t just want to share their story- Elevated Faith is interested in yours too! if you go on their website there is a space for any individual to share their encounters too, youth and adults from across America are featured, all for the glory of God and the encouragement of others.

Love what you see? You can check out their website by clicking here to learn more!


  1. lilliankarchut on March 27, 2023 at 9:19 pm

    Hi! You did a really great job with your post! I loved how you incorporated pictures all throughout your post! That is such a fun way to bring to life the information that you are giving. Personally, I love Elevated Faith. I have purchased a lot of clothing from them in the past. I think they do a wonderful job keeping a redemptively minded business outlook. I love how they have taken a step further clothing and incorporated scripture onto phone cases, rings, water bottles, blankets, etc. They are an incredibly successful business and have touched the lives of many people. They have created modern clothing with very attractive designs that catches the eyes of many people. Elevated Faith is an incredibly redemptive company that continues to spread scripture through their creatively designed products.

  2. KirkAP22 on March 29, 2023 at 3:09 am

    Great job with your blog post! I loved hearing more about Elevated Faith’s mission and vision for their gospel minded company. I love how they seek to serve people with high quality products that also speak truth.

  3. welkersg21 on March 30, 2023 at 12:52 am

    Elevated Faith is such a great organization! Great job with this post. I love the mission of Elevated Faith and have seen a lot of there appeal in lots of Christian circles.