E-Commerce Redemptive Business

In the E-Commerce class that I took in the fall, we were tasked with creating a business in groups of four that would run throughout the semester. The business that my group decided to start was a business that created hand-made banners out of linen fabric. These banners had Bible verses and phrases on them that were drawn with Sharpie. The business was unique because each banner was hand-made by our group, everything from the cutting of the fabric to the placement of the grommets in the top two corners of the banners.

My group went through many different names before we settled on the name for our business, Victory & Truth Co. The course required us to donate our gross profit at the end of the semester to a local charity that is doing redemptive work. The charity that we chose was called Shared Hope for Orphans Worldwide, also known as SHOW. SHOW is a charity based out of Grove City with a mission of showing the love of God to families in Uganda, helping provide them with food, shelter, and education.

As we worked throughout the semester, our goal was to make as much money as possible for Shared Hope for Orphans Worldwide. This gave our company a redemptive aspect because the gross profits were all going to benefit a group of people that are in desperate need of it. Our business also was a Christian business because all of the banners that we made had Bible verses and Christian phrases on them. Our target market was primarily Christians too. Our target market combined with the mission that we were supporting helped us sell many banners and raise over $1,500 for Shared Hope for Orphans Worldwide.

The business that my group created in E-Commerce was a redemptive business that helped raise money for a great organization and helped changed the lives of many people in Uganda. Although the business phased out at the end of the semester, we were able to make a big impact in a really short time.


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