On Monday, we had Chadwyck Cobb come and speak to the class over Zoom, talking about his life and work experiences after graduating from Grove City College. His current job is with DonorSee where he is the head of partnerships since March of 2020. While he was talking about DonorSee, he pulled up videos of people who were helped.

DonorSee is a platform where you can donate money to help others in need, but they’re different than other donation sites. When I first heard about this, I thought it would be similar to GoFundMe but the main difference is getting updates of how the donations have impacted that person. DonorSee allows you to read people’s story and donate money to a specific person or cause, and then you get a video update of the person, saying how your donation has helped them. Their focus is on building a community to help make a difference in someone’s life and create a change. A big aspect of living a Christian life is being able to live in community with others and help others. Helping others and provide them with community and love to help them when they are struggling.

A big part of Entrepreneurship is innovation, which DonorSee also focuses on. They also find ways to improve their mission of helping others and create the best experience and and impact for donors and partners.

After hearing about DonorSee and visiting the website, I would prefer to use it over any other type of website that raises funding. I like that they focus on community and that the founder lived without a paycheck for three years, in one of the poorest countries. That shows the he wanted to see how people were living and help them in anyway he could!


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  • I was impressed by DonorSee's model of personal charity, while also still being a profitable business. DonorSee is definitely leading in the innovation of charity businesses, and they do this in a kingdom-minded way. The founder is setting a good example of entrepreneurial ministry, while also running a successful business.

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